We offer what we do best
A.B.L.E. Family Services specializes in the following services:
Community Living Services:
Community First Choice (CFC) services that help you stay in your own home or family home. You or your family can choose when services are needed. Staff can take you places, help you learn new things and help you with medical issues. Staff can help with activities of daily living and health-related tasks through hands-on assistance, supervision or cueing. Staff can help you learn how to care for yourself.
Host Home/Companion Care (FC) is a service where you live with a family or individual who will provide the services you need. A foster care provider will assist you with learning new things, medical issues and helping you go the places you want. You will need to be independent enough to be safe without constant supervision.
Supervised Living (SL) is where you live in a group home with 2 other people, however, the staff can be allowed to sleep during the night. Staff will support you in learning new things, taking you places and helping you with your medical needs.
Residential Support Services (RSS) are where you live in a group home with 3 other people and you need assistance 24 hours a day. Staff will support you in learning new things, taking you places and helping you with your medical needs.
Specialized Services:
Psychology is provided when you need someone to talk to or help deal with emotions that you are unable to cope with yourself.
Occupational Therapy is provided for you when a doctor believes a therapist can help you with adaptive equipment or therapy.
Physical Therapy is provided when a doctor believes direct therapy or adaptive equipment is needed to help you with such things as walking.
Speech Therapy is provided when a doctor believes you need help letting others know what you need.
Social Work assists you in handling personal problems and relationships with other people.
Health Services:
Nursing is provided to help you stay healthy. Nurses will talk with doctors, help you understand your medical needs, and make sure all medical needs are met. Your health will be checked by a nurse, as needed.
Audiology is provided when a doctor believes you need specialized help with your hearing.
Dietary services are provided when you need/want some extra help with losing or gaining weight or need a specialized diet (such as diabetic diet) to help you stay healthy.
Dental services are provided so you can see a dentist as needed. This program provides for care costing up to $1000.00 a year.
Adaptive Aids are provided when a therapist and/or doctor believes that you need a specific item to help you. These items could include multivitamins, gloves, glasses, etc.
Other Services:
Day Habilitation provides activities for you during the day. Staff will help you in learning to make friends, assisting with therapies, going places you would like to go, etc.
Supported Employment can be provided by staff to help you keep your job.
Minor Home Modifications can be provided when you need a modification to your home to help you continue to live there. Modifications could include installing rails in a bathroom, widening a door for a wheelchair, etc. The modification must be approved by TDMHR and by a therapist and/or doctor before the work is done.
Respite is provided when you receive supported home living services. This service is provided for a short time in your home, a A.B.L.E. group home, or a respite provider's home.