Helpful information for those seeking to select a TxHML provider.
60+ Discounts, Health Care Resources, and Helpful Programs for People with Disabilities
The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) was created to administer long-term services and supports for people who are aging and who have cognitive and physical disabilities. HHSC also licenses and regulates providers of these services, and administers the state’s guardianship program.
Metrocare (formerly the Dallas County Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) Center)
Comprehensive directory of resources, service locations, provider listings and other MR-related information.
Private Providers Association of Texas (PPAT)
PPAT works to strengthen & promote the goals of its members & the industry at large through its leadership & advocacy efforts & its commitment to the provision of mental retardation & other developmental disability services. PPAT fosters the building of collaborative networks & partnerships among not only its members, but among all interested in improving the quality of services & supports for persons with disabilities.
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Texas Chapter (AAIDD)
As a nonprofit organization our mission is to enhance the quality of services and provide meaningful opportunities and choices for people with mental retardation and their families by exchanging information and ideas, and by advancing the knowledge and skills of individuals in the field.
National Down Syndrome Association (NDSS)
The National Down Syndrome Society envisions a world in which all people with Down syndrome have the opportunity to enhance their quality of life, realize their life aspirations, and become valued members of welcoming communities.
Disabilities Resources of Texas
A nonprofit organization established to promote and improve awareness, availability and accessibility of information that can help people with disabilities live, learn, love, work and play independently.
The Arc of Texas is the oldest and largest nonprofit, volunteer organization in the state committed to creating opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be included in their communities and to make the choices which affect their lives. The Arc supports families, advances public policies, provides training programs, and builds a statewide network of advocates.
An organization through which Community MHMR Centers can work together as a public system serving Texans with mental illness, mental retardation, and chemical dependency, and by this work, can expand and improve services in their local communities with other provider systems, deliver quality services needed by their consumers, and provide accountability to their sponsoring governmental entities, their other funding sources, and the State governance for its investments in services.
United Cerebral Palsy of North Texas
a non-profit corporation providing services to individuals with all types of disabilities and their families. As an affiliate of United Cerebral Palsy Associations, the agency supports advocacy, public information and education, and research programs.
Year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.
For information and services for persons with Asperger’s Syndrome
Social Security Disability Benefits Guide
Understand how Social Security disability works and how to calculate your benefits.