Who we are and what we do
A.B.L.E. stands for Assisting Better Living Everyday, and that is what we do.
A.B.L.E was founded in 2010 to provide community-based services to individuals with developmental disabilities. A.B.L.E. is contracted by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) to provide services through the Home and Community-based and Texas Home Living programs. Additionally, A.B.L.E. is a provider of the Deaf-Blind/Multiple Disabilities services with the DADS. A.B.L.E. provides these Medicaid services in Burleson, Lubbock, Wichita Falls, Mexia, Fort Worth, Irving, Dallas, Abilene, San Angelo, Amarillo and surrounding areas.
A.B.L.E. is committed to providing innovative supports and community services to people with disabilities. With a solid foundation, A.B.L.E. is able to withstand changes, while continuing to provide environments in which each person may make and achieve goals. This allows each person to experience community life to the fullest.
A.B.L.E. has developed this plain language handbook to share helpful information about the services we provide with the individuals we serve and their families.
What is the Texas Home Living Program?
The Texas Home Living program (TxHmL) program at A.B.L.E. Family Services provides vital services and supports to individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our dedicated team of professionals at A.B.L.E. work with each individual in this program to ensure they receive the very best care and support around!
There are many services and supports offered through our Texas Home Living program. The service type and amount of each service is based on the needs of each individual and reviewed annually at a special planning conference. These services are available for individuals who live in their own homes or with their family.
Once you become eligible for the TxHml program (this is called getting a slot), your local MHMR will call you or your family.
The Local MHMR Center will give you a list of all the TxHml providers in your area. You will be able to interview any of the providers you are interested in. You may change providers at anytime after enrollment.
When you call A.B.L.E., you will be able to set up a meeting to discuss your needs. During the meeting, you and your family will have all your questions answered about being a part of the A.B.L.E. family.
You will meet with a Service Coordinator from the local MHMR Center to talk about your life, your wants and needs and to develop a plan to work toward your goals. The Service Coordinator helps you or your family set up a service planning team that will develop a service plan. The team is made up of you, your guardian or family members, and other people you choose. Together, the service planning team selects the TxHml services that are needed and necessary to reach the outcomes or goals you or your representatives have identified. Your plan will identify services and supports you need from the HCS Program and those you may be getting from other people of programs.
A date will be set for you to begin services with A.B.L.E.